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Numb (Senses Series Book 3) Page 7
Numb (Senses Series Book 3) Read online
Page 7
Promptly I point to the mark. “Talk.” His face lowers in shame.
Fuck. I didn’t want him to feel like that.
I do my best to dial back the rage pumping through me. “Kid?” He rolls his face at me. “The old man do that?”
Dean nods.
“Last night.” He leans against the door, fear doing its best not to be found in his eyes.
“End of a can opener.”
My eyes cut away while my hands white knuckle the steering wheel.
The old man preferred to beat the shit out of me with his fists but occasionally I got the end of a bottle. Mom was the one he used whatever he could find on. I could’ve died if I’d stayed under his roof, and you better fucking believe I’m not about to let this kid suffer the same fate.
“You’re not going back,” I state strongly.
“Ever.” Pulling out into the street I head off down the road with our original plans still in my mind.
We end up at a local pizza buffet place that has one of the best all you can eat opportunities.
I was a teenage boy once. Damn near ate the Hart’s out of house and home. It got to a point, right before they died, where Mrs. Hart was hitting the grocery store twice a week and the bigger stocking stores like Costco twice a month. She never once complained.
Once Dean has his food piled as high as the plate allows him, he sits down in the booth beside me, across from C.J. who’s got a folder in front of him instead of a plate.
“Not gonna eat?” Dean asks shoving damn near an entire piece of cheese pizza in his mouth.
C.J. hides his disgust, but not very well.
Kid needs a few table manner lessons. Luke can teach him those.
“Nah.” He clears his throat and changes his attention toward me. “He always eat like that?”
“Been a rough night for him.” I tilt my head towards the obvious bruise.
“Tell me he got in a fight at a party,” C.J. sighs reclining back in the booth seat and undoing his black business jacket. Looking at Dean he says, “Tell me you got socked by a football player for snaking his girlfriend.”
Been there. To be fair he only got one punch in because I didn’t see it coming. Yeah, you can laugh. I got sucker punched like a bitch.
Dean simply shakes his head and devours another slice.
Not even sure he’s chewing at this point. Let’s unhinge his jaw to make it easier for him, shall we? His eating reminds me of the way a snake swallows a rat whole.
“He’s not going back, C.J.” I pull the cup of water to my mouth to rinse away the revulsion of this situation.
“I know.” He taps the folder in front him. “Look. I’ve pulled some strings, got a couple contacts, and once I get your signature I can proceed, Kellar. At this rate, between the photographs, the kid’s written testimony, the fact there are still marks appearing on him, his father won’t stand a chance.” When I go to respond he holds up a finger. “I know. No foster care. Straight to you and the Harts. It’s a little more difficult, but give me some time today. I’ll get it settled.”
“Wait.” Dean wipes his mouth with the back of his hand.
Fucking really? There’s a napkin dude.
“How do you know how to do all that? How do you have strings to pull?”
C.J. shrugs and adjusts his tie. “It’s kinda what I do, Kid.”
“You’re a bartender.” He points out.
“I’m a lawyer.”
“But you work at a bar…”
Clearly uncomfortable, C.J. replies, “It’s complicated.”
“Does everyone in your life say that?” Dean asks, his attention now on me.
I fight the urge to chuckle, and C.J. says, “You’ll learn, Kid, that most people don’t have a cookie cutter life.” His phone rings on the table flashing a picture of an older version of himself. Immediately he ignores it and looks back at Dean. “You’ll also learn you aren’t the only one with a son of a bitch for a father.”
I know. You’re sitting there with jaw agape, which by the way you can close now. Yeah C.J. has a couple secrets, but don’t we all? What? You really expect me to answer that? Well I won’t. I’m not gonna snitch on him just so you can have all the answers. What kind of fucking friend would I be? Especially with all he’s doing to help me with the Kid. That’s his story to tell. I’m sure he will. One day.
Opening the file, C.J. points to where he wants me to sign on various forms. As my hand signs the last one I ask, “When’s it official?”
“Saturday morning we can deliver the paperwork to his father.” C.J. shuts the folder and smirks. “I’m manipulating the system to save your ass, Kid. Don’t fuck this up.”
Dean nods putting down the piece of pizza that was in his hands. “Kellar, Erin, Luke, Maxx…they’re all good people. Don’t make them regret this.”
“I won’t.” Dean sighs slamming his back against the booth.
C.J. looks to me. “And they all agreed?”
“Everyone but Maxx.”
“She doesn’t want me living there?” The hurt look on Dean’s face is surprising.
Kid doesn’t even know her and he wants her approval. See. Just like me.
“She’ll be cool with it. Just haven’t had a chance to talk to her yet.” My voice mumbles, “About anything.” Reassuring him I lift my water glass. “It’ll all be good. Don’t worry about it, Kid.”
“So where am I staying ‘til Saturday?” Dean shoves the last piece of pizza in his mouth.
Where the fuck did the others go?
C.J. shakes his head. “No. I can pull many strings, but I’m not pulling that one.”
I really don’t wanna fuck this up by keeping Dean before everything is settled. I wanna do what’s best and right for once in my fucking life, but C.J. and I talked about it. No more staying at the house until he’s legally in my custody. And yeah, that’s what all the fucking documents are about. I’m about to be a daddy. Who would’ve thunk it right? Well…maybe you, but it was probably followed with you sprawled out over my knee waiting for a spanking, huh? If it wasn’t before I bet now it is.
“I can sleep at the gym, in the back on a cot.”
“You’re not sleeping on that cot another night this week,” I tell him before pulling out my cell phone. Thumbing through my contacts an idea hits me. “In fact, Kid…I’ve got the perfect place for you.”
I’m a genius. Wait. Did you just laugh?
Erin tosses her head back on a deep laugh. “You so got laid.”
Tossing a hunk of bread stick at her I insist, “I really did not get laid.”
“You’re much too happy for someone who’s not getting dick.”
My best friend everyone…
“Erin,” I snip at her, seeing the older women at the table behind us looking mortified at what she just said.
And this is why when I go out to eat with her I try to do it inside at a corner table, far from ears that are going to have a heart attack at her choice of language. It’s not like I don’t say those words. It’s just that I prefer to do it a little more quietly.
“Eh.” She shrugs and crosses her legs. “If they were getting it on the regular they wouldn’t scrunch up about it.” One of the women scoffs again, and this time Erin ignores her. “So if you riding the pogo stick of pleasure isn’t the reason why you’re smiling than what is?”
Did she really just say that? Tell me I imagined it.
“Wow,” I whisper out. “Can’t a girl just be in a good mood?” Her perfectly painted face tilts at me sarcastically. “It’s just been a good day! Tony and I got some shit squared away for this side event Frank has me working on—”
“I thought Tony did social media crap.”
“He does.” I go to place my card on the bill when Erin waves her hand letting me know that she’s got it. “He also has been personally as
sisting me with setting things up.”
“He says he enjoys learning other aspects of the business.”
“Sounds like a line to get into your pants.”
“You’ve spent too much time around Logan, you know that?”
Just his name rolling off my lips causes my body to vibrate. I cross my ankles. Please don’t betray me by getting wet right now. I have a full day ahead!
“And you don’t spend enough,” she accuses.
I heard that! Yeah! That little mutter under your breath. I know we spent time together in the kitchen this morning, but she doesn’t need to know that. Shh.
“We will.” I assure her as the waitress takes the bill and Erin insists on no change. “Soon.”
“Why do I feel that’s not true?”
Annoyed by the topic that I’m not ready to deal with, I change subjects. “Plans this evening?”
“Nah,” she says standing up grabbing her purse and phone.
“Wanna do a movie at home tonight? Relax? Maybe order some Chinese?”
“That sounds like Heaven,” Erin replies while leading us off the patio of the restaurant and out onto the sidewalk.
“Mind if I invite Tony to join?”
“Are you inviting him as a date or a friend?”
Rolling my eyes at her allegation I sigh. “Friend. That’s all Tony and I are. We’re friends. Believe it or not he actually wants things to work out between Logan and me.”
“Everyone wants things to work out between you two. Hell, it’s like wanting things to work out between Jay-Z and Beyoncé. You wanna ignore the rumors and signs of trouble. You want them to be together forever!”
I pause on the street corner and shake my head. “That was a terrible analogy.”
“And you would make a terrible Beyoncé.”
“Why am I still talking to you?”
“Good question.” Erin laughs and I join her. While she fiddles around in her purse, I let my attention travel down the street to a girl who looks vaguely familiar from a distance.
“Hey.” I elbow Erin who doesn’t take the gesture well. “Is that Liz?”
Erin turns her head and leans forward to check it out. “Yeah. I think so.”
Continuing to stare, I watch as a car parks in front of her.
I know that car…
With my attention still pasted on the situation, I continue leering as Logan gets out of his car and walks around to greet her. A sharp gasp escapes me as I tug on Erin’s arm to show her what I’m seeing.
“Oh no…” Erin says in a grumble, slapping her forehead.
Believe it or not people do that in real life. Not just on T.V.
Distress quickly rises in my body. “What is that building they’re in front of?”
“Uh…” She leans to the side. “Could be an ice cream parlor.”
“An ice cream parlor? Who calls them that anymore?”
“I think it’s stylish. Let’s bring it back.”
“Maybe it’s a beauty salon.”
“Fine,” she groans. “It’s a hotel! It’s actually a really nice hotel. In fact the sheets—”
“I don’t give a fuck about their sheets, Erin!” I squeeze my eyes closed in frustration. After a beat of silence I shake my head. “I cannot believe he is taking her to a hotel.”
“It’s probably not what it looks like, Maxx.” Opening my eyes, I watch as Liz’s hands run down the front of his shirt. I glance at Erin whose face is struggling to stay unbiased. “We can’t assume anything here.”
Is she fucking with me right now?
“I mean remember what happened last time we assumed something, Maxx. We were completely wrong. Everything got misinterpreted and—”
“From the looks of things, and the number of times I’ve seen him with her in the last couple of weeks, I’d say nothing has been misinterpreted.”
“I gotta get back to work. Don’t even worry about this.” I try to bring air back into my lungs. “Not a big deal, right? That’s how to play Logan’s game.” Backing away from her, not giving the situation another look, I say one more thing, “Question is, Erin, when do I get to stop?”
Can you answer that? Can you tell me when I get to stop being the chump in this situation? The butt of the joke? The causality in his path of self destruction? Can you? Can you answer me?
“You rarely bother me at work, Kellar.” Liz folds her arms over her uniform.
“I know, Legs.” My back hits the rear passenger side. “But I need a favor.”
“From me?” She pushes her blonde hair behind her ear.
“Why the fuck else would I show up?”
“Still cocky.” She happily grins.
“Still playing stupid.”
“You have my attention,” she hums wetting her lips.
Which for the record never felt anywhere near as good as Maxx’s.
“I need a good deal on a suite at your hotel for three nights.”
Raising another grin she asks, “Honeymooning?”
I wish. Fuck. I did not just say that. I. Did. Not. Just. Say. That. What the hell is wrong with me? What I meant was—Sh. Don’t interrupt. All I meant was…I wouldn’t mind being locked up with Maxx for three nights with sex being the only thing for us to do. That. Is. All.
My hand reaches over and taps the glass. Dean rolls down the window and shows his face. Judging by how quickly she gasps, it takes Liz no time to notice the welt.
“Kellar, did you lay a hand on him?”
“Not in a million years would I ever put my hands on the Kid, or any kid for that matter.” I rub my chin at the horrific thought.
As much as that shit runs in my blood, I’ll bury myself six feet under before ever harming a young buck. Besides, there’s nothing to worry about. Other than Dean here, there will be no other kids in my future. None.
“You poor thing.” She reaches out and brushes the mark on his cheek. I glance at Dean just as his eyes land on her tits that are trying to topple out of her top. “Eyes up, Kid. Don’t even think about ‘em until you’re legal.”
Hahaha. Oh what? Like you’ve never caught a guy oogling your shit before.
“He’s just like you, Kellar.”
“I hear that a lot.”
“Are you staying here with him?”
“That’s where I need the favor,” I admit, pushing my hands into my gym shorts.
“A minor can’t—”
“Yeah.” I cut her off. “I know. So I need your help to make it appear like I’m here with him even though I won’t be.”
“Why can’t he just stay at your house with you?”
“He will. Soon. Just gotta get some shit squared away.”
Her eyes dance around with a question that I’m not sure she’s brave enough to ask. “With your girlfriend?”
That too. Is she my girlfriend? Definitely need to get an answer to that as well.
“Legally. Just make it seem like I’m out late on business. If anyone comes sniffing around, call me and I’ll jump on over to prove that he has a guardian.”
“As long as you sign him in and the room is under your name and shit it shouldn’t be a problem, but if it is, I’ll call.” She nods. “And what do I get in return?”
I raise my eyebrows. “What do you want?”
“Free entrance and a round of drinks at TKO?”
“For one of my fights?”
“Actually, no.” Her grin reappears. “Have my eyes locked on Hollywood. He’s really hot!”
“You might be singing a different tune if you’d seen him get knocked out.”
“Doubtful.” She pats my chest and leans back in the window. “You think you can behave yourself, Kid?”
Dean nods. “I promise.”
“Can you promise to my eyes and not my boobs?”
I stifle a chuckle. Clearing his throat he tries again. “I promise.”
“Better.” Liz cuts me a look. “Let’s get ya’ll set up…”
With my head propped on Tony’s shoulder, and my feet stretched out beside me, I blink hard at the television trying to focus on the movie instead of the fact that I know Logan’s not home because he’s fucking another girl in a hotel.
IN A HOTEL! No. No. It’s cool. It’s cool. It’s alright. I am in the coping process. No need to be afraid. I think I’m rounding the final stage. Acceptance. I accept that Logan is a low down, dirty scumbag who you couldn’t pay to keep his dick in his pants. I accept that Liz has given more rides than a Greyhound Bus going across the country. I accept these things. See. Acceptance.
The squeak of the front door opening destroys my train of thought. Looking over expecting to see Luke, I’m a little shocked when I find Logan standing there, a pissed off look crawling speedily across his face.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” He bites at Tony who looks up from the T.V..
“Surfing.” The sarcastic answer makes Logan ball his fist.
“Easy there, Mayweather.” Erin says grabbing his arm from the opposite end of the couch, the side closest to my feet. “We’re just watching a movie.”
His eyes find mine, but only briefly as I cut back to pretending to watch the screen.