Numb (Senses Series Book 3) Page 6
How wrong is it that he’s kind of hot acting like this? I mean, I know he’s not gonna hurt me…well unless I ask him to. Shit…four shots on an empty stomach is not a good idea.
“Where are we going?” I do my best to ask in a steady, unmoved tone.
“My car,” his response sounds as infuriated as the last thing he said.
Be honest…did I cross the line? I mean, I was just dancing! It’s not like I invited Grant back up to my room! It’s not like I was gonna screw him like Logan did 7-11 legs!
When we enter the parking garage, Logan drops the grip on my arm and plants it around my waist just steps before seeing the security guard. He gives him a slight wave but continues pushing me along with very little resistance on my end.
Dude, I’ve had four shots, these heels suck ass, and honestly all I wanna do is sit down. The extra help moving is almost welcome at this point.
Once we’ve hiked up the Mount Everest of ramps to the second level of the parking structure, Logan leads me over to his car which is parked in the corner, empty parking spaces on each side of it.
Wow. Even cars are afraid of his bad temper.
With a swift spin he pushes me up against it, one arm pinning me on each side, trapping me like the runaway animal I am.
Feels familiar to you too? We end up here a lot…
For a brief moment he just stares at me, his blue eyes letting his guard down. Letting the misguided rage and angst subside to let me see the fragile man I’ve fallen madly in love with.
That’s the Logan I want. That’s the Logan that can have me…
“We need to talk.” The anger in his voice rises again as the emotional trauma that was visible in his eyes begins to fade.
Hastily I shake my head, and temptingly say, “I don’t wanna talk.” My hand reaches out and runs down the front of his shirt, his hard muscles tensing underneath my touch.
“Maxx…” he warns taking a long slow breath.
“In fact.” I take a step closer inhaling his cologne.
Holy moly, something in that is designed to make my panties wet, because they are now.
My lips lean right next to his ear to whisper, “The only thing I want from you right now…is to remind my body why it belongs to you.”
On a growl Logan pushes me back and plants his lips on top of mine.
So sue me for being drunk and horny. Like you’ve never made poor choices with that combo!
I moan at the connection, having missed his lips.
God they are even better than I fucking remember.
His mouth captures my bottom lip, spoiling it rotten with teases from his tongue. Without hesitation my body melts against the car, ready to give him whatever it is he wants. Logan lightly nips it and following my response of spreading them, his tongue invades my mouth claiming it all over again like it’s brand new territory.
In haste, his right hand begins exploring the curves of my body, the wetness that lies between my hips increasing. Just from his touch? Get a grip! Have some self control, Maxx!
His fingertips brush over my nipple and I gasp at the contact, my mouth stumbling away from his after a small tug.
Cockily he asks, “Miss me?”
Before I have a chance to rebuttal, his lips are suctioned back on mine sucking the dear life out of me. His kiss deepens and his hand, that was just giving my nipple the teasing attention it deserved, creeps farther down to my thighs parting them roughly. Willingly I open myself up to him and toss my head back on another moan as his finger brushes against my clit.
Pulling away with the heated glare I love to see in his eyes he says, “Again?”
I whimper as he lightly brushes against it again. “No lines, remember?”
Unsure if it’s the memory of the words that feeds the hunger or the jealousy that they weren’t said to him, Logan forcefully pushes two fingers inside of me receiving a sharp cry of satisfaction.
Did I mention gentle isn’t really his thing?
His hot breath whispers in my ear, “I’d say you fucking missed me, baby…”
Knowing that I damn well more than missed him I sink onto his finger as he begins his tantalizing rhythm. Logan’s lips travel down to my neck. He begins to suck on it in a pattern that matches his hand motions. Between the pressure he’s got building between my legs and the ecstasy he’s sinking into me with his lips, I know I don’t have long before I explode.
All of sudden, the sound of footsteps approaching causes his hand to cease its motion, but not remove itself. The two of us glance to the side to see the security guard making his rounds.
“You folks okay?” he asks.
“We’re good.” Logan offers his charming smile before flexing his fingers inside of me. My muscles tighten on the verge of coming.
Are you fucking kidding me with this? Not only is he not removing his fingers in the presence of the rent-a-cop, but he’s making more motions! If he wasn’t moments away from giving what will probably be the best orgasm in the history of my orgasms, I would probably knee him in the nuts.
“Ma’am?” the officer says in my direction. “You alright?”
His fingers flex once more, the trigger spot being briefly touched. I bite down hard on my bottom lip to keep from moaning. Thankful that Logan’s body is blocking the way, I somehow say, “I’m fine, thank you. We were just finishing up an argument we were having.”
“Oh…” He makes a face like he’s suddenly uncomfortable.
That scares you off? Worst cop ever.
“I’ll let you to finish.”
“Please.” The word is a request from Logan but one that I feel is not actually directed at the useless law enforcement.
The security guard turns on his heels and heads back down the slope, tapping his flashlight along the way. Before he’s even out of sight, Logan’s fingers return to their captivating flow bringing me back to the edge within a matter of pushes.
Whimpering I clutch onto his shirt, “Logan…”
A short lick across the bottom of my chin is followed by a mischievous bite. “Yes?”
His fingers have slowed down now, dragging out the orgasm that’s scraping to get out of me. I beg, “Please…”
He thrusts on the words. “Please. What?”
Oh what an asshole…
“Say it, baby.” His body moves in closer as his fingers sink in a little deeper. In my ear he demands, “Tell me what you need.”
“Make me come.”
On command his fingers tilt and apply pressure to just the right spot hitting it again and again until the only thing supporting my body weight, the only thing supporting my entire existence, is him.
With a louder than expected cry of his name, I fall to pieces at his fingertips. My muscles contract so tightly around his fingers I can hear a sharp gasp of pleasure come out of him.
Logan slides them from inside of me, rolls them around his tongue, and cocks an eyebrow. “You forgot to say please.”
I open my mouth to smart off in return, though with what exactly is a mystery thanks to this sex haze, but am cut off by a very loud, very angry sounding Luke.
“What the hell?” he yells.
Logan gives his face a scrub in an attempt to calm himself down as he moves his body to hide behind mine.
Most likely to hide the raging hard on in his pants.
Luke studies us for a moment, his anger replaced with confusion.
Oh God. He knows.
“What’s going on here?” He points to the two of us.
Logan slightly adjusts himself and answers, “Just needed to talk.”
The father like look falls on me. “And did you?”
Not with the set of lips he’s thinking…
Stuttering, I toss a hand out. “Some…not enough.”
“Definitely not enough,” Logan chuckles behind me.
Add arrogant to the word bastard please.
“Enough for ton
ight,” I rectify and turn my body to face him.
Time seems suspended for just a brief moment while we stare at each other, baffled and temporarily satiated. I watch him lick his lips, which most likely taste of me, before his hand reaches out and brushes my arm.
“We seriously need to talk, Maxx.”
“I know.” Is all that manages to come out. “But not tonight.” Backing away from his touch I turn to Luke. “Mind taking me home? Kinda feeling dizzy after those shots and that heat.”
“You didn’t eat either did you?” The scolding look on his face is followed immediately by him opening his arm for me to slip under. I shake my head answering the question. “You better not throw up in my car…”
I glance once more over my shoulder at Logan whose shoulders are now slumped as he watches me walk away from him. As he lets me walk away from him.
The same old Logan Kellar. The guy that will always just let me walk away without a fight. God, he didn’t even so much as object when I asked Luke to take me home. Yeah, maybe he fought for an inch when I was wrapped up in someone else’s arms, but you know what they say. Old habits die hard. And I’m sure that’s all that was. Just like us fooling around. One more habit that’s gonna die hard.
Five days. It has been five fucking days since I watched Maxx walk away with Luke. And it’s been five fucking days of beating myself up about it. I mean, I should’ve stopped her, right? I should’ve fucking made her talk right then! Fuck, I’m an idiot. I just thought…I don’t know, that if I gave her a little space, she’d come back to me ya know? We’ve never been big on pushing each other to talk, but fuck I wish we were. I just wanna get over this misunderstanding that happened and get my girl back. I know I said I was fucking done with her…but come on. You didn’t really buy that bullshit did you?
Traveling down the stairs, dressed for the gym, I notice something I haven’t seen recently happening in the kitchen. Maxx finishing her breakfast.
Is it wrong that I want those lips wrapped my cock instead of that fucking spoon?
“Maxx,” I call to her.
Startled like a dear in headlights she freezes briefly before dumping whatever was in her bowl in the sink, now in a rush. “Hey, Logan…”
I approach her cautiously not sure what the fuck I did to spook her already. “Haven’t uh…seen you in a few days.”
“Right.” She turns around so her back is against the sink and she can give me a full view of the attire she is about to go out into the world wearing. Fitted black skirt, I think I’ve heard Erin call it a pencil before, a tucked in black button up shirt with the top two buttons allowing her tits to play peek-a-boo, and sexy black heels to match.
Honestly, right now, she looks like a naughty CEO who I would gladly give millions over to.
“It’s been a crazy week.” She tries to justify while looking down at the ground.
Means she’s slightly lying.
Reaching for the uneaten chocolate chip muffin she had on the counter, she pulls it apart, offering me the larger portion. “Hungry?” When I shake my head she puts it back down, picking up on the fact that I’m not interested in her distraction tactics. Maxx goes back to rambling. “No exaggeration. This week has been insane. Pure insanity. Just so much going on between the normal Fight Nights, the tournament, and then this side event Frank has me working on. I’ve just…um…just been busy.”
On that note, Maxx tries to move her body past me, but I step in front of her, halting her. “That’s all?”
“That’s all.”
“You sure?”
In a quieter voice she backs her body against the counter. “Yeah.”
“Feels like you’re avoiding me, Maxx.” I move my body a couple inches closer, the smell of chocolate, most likely from her cereal, invading my senses. My cock starts to flex in response to the proximity and the familiar smell. You know you wanna taste her, Kellar.
Shyly she responds, “I’m not…”
I lift her chin up so our eyes meet and her body relaxes against my touch.
As it damn well should.
“Good.” Roughly my lips smash themselves firmly against hers and I receive an immediate moan that shoots straight to my dick.
God it’s like fucking music to my ears.
My hand wraps around the back of her neck right underneath her hair, which is sitting on her shoulders. Desperate to keep her mouth on mine, I use my tongue to beg for entrance while her hips roll against me. Maxx’s lips part and our tongues tangle. A groan crawls out of me and I clutch her tighter.
Why did I have to wait five days for this? A day wait was enough to make me homicidal but five…five could turn me into a serial killer.
One of Maxx’s hands slides up my back, her nails digging into me. Naturally, my dick sends its thanks for the contact by knocking against her. As I prep my lips to pull away and insist that we should actually talk, she wraps her hands around my shaft.
Instead of suggesting we talk my mouth grumbles, “Fuck…”
With a soft grin she pulls my cock free from my shorts and brushes her lips across mine once more in a devious fashion. The combination of the light touches of her lips and the heat from the long hard pulls on my cock force my eyes shut.
How fucking hard would you laugh if I came right now?
Like she heard me, she starts increasing the pumps and I press my forehead against hers. “Shit, Maxx…”
The tip of her tongue touches my top lip and I bury my mouth on hers again, anxious to have every piece of her I can get. We continue an all out war for dominance of the kiss while her hand steadily pumps until there’s a familiar shudder creeping through my blood.
On a breath I manage to say, “Maxx, I’m gonna…”
Unexpectedly the pace slows, and I curl my toes in agony. “You’re gonna what?”
Son of a bitch. This is what that feels like?
I feel my nuts gently being cupped as she whispers, “Tell me what you need.”
Mercy. She fucking has me at her mercy.
There’s a brief swipe of her thumb on the tip of my soaked cock. Helplessly I say, “Make me come, Maxx.”
Her hand returns to its previous motions, jerking me back to paradise. Shortly after being brought back to Heaven, she gives me a tug that forces my body to tense up. At that her hand covers the tip as I come so it coats her fingers, the front of my shorts, and the floor between her heels.
Impressive there’s not a drop on her. Can I get credit for having good aim?
Eyes half shut I groan, “How the fuck do you do that?”
A small content hum comes out of her and I open my eyes all the way to see hers shimmering.
This is my girl.
“We need to talk,” she finishes with a smile. “I know.”
The sound of the front door opening causes me to slip my dick back into my shorts and shuffle over just a couple inches to hide the mess I made while Maxx washes her hands.
If that’s Erin she’s gonna fucking kill us. There are strict rules in this house about where sexcapades can and cannot occur. She’s almost as bad as Luke when it comes to that shit.
“Morning,” Luke says on a long yawn.
“Morning,” we say back in unison as Maxx drops a dish towel directly on top of the problem on the floor.
Slightly suspicious he asks, “You two okay?”
“Fine,” Maxx answers before I get a chance. “Just spilled some milk on the floor and was about clean it up.”
“I’ll do it.” My insistence is followed by my leaning down to do just that, keeping my back to Luke so he can’t see what’s on my shorts. Or the shit eating grin of post coming on my face. “Don’t want you to be late for work.”
“Thanks,” she sweetly coos and quickly heads towards the front door.
“Hey, Maximus,” I call to her. She pauses beside Luke. I do my best to kill the pleased look on my face. I sigh, “Seri
ously, we need to talk.”
“I know.” She turns, this time actually managing to leave.
Once the door shuts Luke stares at me for a moment, sleep deprivation from a long night clearly on his face. I brace myself for the lecture he’s about to give.
It’s what he does.
“Still haven’t talked yet?” My mouth twitches to respond when he pulls his hand up for me to stop. “You know what? Right now, I don’t wanna hear it. I’ve been up for hours. Saw more blood than a horror movie last night. All I’m gonna say is fix it before it gets out of hand.”
I nod and Luke rushes his body up the stairs and out of my view.
Who says it’s not already out of hand? She just jerked me off in our kitchen before walking out of my life all over again. I would say we’re flirting pretty hardcore with getting out of hand. Agreed?
After a good hot shower and quick change of clothes, I hop in my car and head straight for the Kid’s house a few miles away from the gym. Pulling into the neighborhood I take a couple of turns until I’m on his street where I see him perched on the curb waiting for me.
At the sight of me he perks up and stands, dusting his body free of dirt. The moment I stop, I unlock the door, and he slides in, a very apparent welt on his cheek right under his eye.