Numb (Senses Series Book 3) Page 3
“Right there, Logan,” Maxx’s voice whimpers as her nails scrape down my back. The nick of pain causes my balls to clench in warning. “Oh my god! Yes! Yes!” Her voice echoes off the walls in my bedroom. “I’m so close!” My hips thrust forward and the moment I was waiting for arrives. “I’m—”
“Ahhhhhhhh!” A sharp scream causes me to sit up in my bed.
Fucking really? I can’t even have her in my dreams?
Drowsily, I grab the sheet that I’m tangled in and stumble in the early morning light to my door with it wrapped around me, willing my hard on to go away. Opening my bedroom door, I arrive at the banister at the same time Luke does.
“What the hell is this?” Erin shouts at the two of us while pointing a spatula at Dean who looks like a frightened puppy.
Scared of a kitchen utensil? Seriously?
“That is Dean.” I let out a long yawn. “Kid, the loud thing threatening you with a pancake flipper is Erin. This is her brother, Luke.”
Luke waves slightly still trying to wake up as well. “Hey.”
Dean barely manages to say, “Hi…”
Glaring up at me, Erin continues waving the spatula around at Dean. “And who the fuck is Dean?”
“He’s part of the reason I wasn’t here yesterday morning.”
“Oh…” Erin lowers it finally. Quickly her demeanor changes from aggressive to hospitable. “Hungry? I planned on making pancakes.”
Dean looks up at me still slightly apprehensive.
“She’s not gonna put poison in ‘em, Kid.” I chuckle, leaning an arm on the railing.
“At least not in his,” Erin snips folding her arms.
“Then yes, please,” Dean says slowly.
“I’ll start the mixing while Logan gets dressed. Can’t WAIT to hear all about you and why you’re couch surfing.” Her attitude is directed at me and the bitchy look on her face comes across unmistakably clear.
On a groan I turn back around to throw on more than a sheet. After a quick change into my gym wear and a brush of my teeth, I join Luke and Erin at the table. I sit in my normal spot with Dean sitting beside me in Maxx’s seat.
I stare at the pancakes in front of me.
Maxx loves pancakes. Her father used to take her for them often when he was alive. Kind of like their own special father, daughter tradition. Fuck, first the dream now the goddamn pancakes. I have completely turned into a walking, steaming pile of pussy.
“So.” Erin’s voice chimes in from behind her glass of orange juice. “How’d you two meet?”
“We’re not dating,” I grunt as I take a bite of the bacon that is still hot.
“Of course not. You don’t date,” Erin says with a sarcastic smirk.
Exactly. And the one time I did try to date, the girl left me high and dry. Yesterday. I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it one more time. I won’t fucking date ever again.
“Found the kid hanging outside the gym.”
“So you brought him home? Isn’t that called kidnapping?” Luke’s joke is followed by him raising his ‘I Heart Doctors’ coffee mug.
He uses that mug so much that Erin hid it once just to see what would happen. Luke damn near broke half the dishes in his frantic search. He’s got OCD tendencies that he can tame for the most part, but no one fucks with that mug.
Dean laughs, and I roll my eyes. “Logan offered to let me work out with him.”
“And then what?” Erin pushes.
“And then I realized he has an old man just like mine. End of story.” I take another bite of my pancake.
These taste like shit. I don’t know if Erin is off her game or if my taste buds hate me, but either way I can’t eat another bite.
“Shit really?” Erin screeches glancing at me as I push my plate away.
“Really.” Dean states.
“If that’s the case, you are welcome here any night.”
“Appreciate it,” he mutters shoving more food into his mouth.
I know that look. I hated feeling pitied too. That’s why I kept most of my shit to myself. Buried it deep then pounded it a few feet deeper.
“It’s cool, Kid.” I reassure him.
The room gets silent briefly, but Dean breaks it. “So you,” he says, pointing to Luke, “are the nurse that tends to his wounds right? After his fights?”
He nods. “Correct.”
“And you…” he continues, pointing his fork at Erin, “must be the reason the Ring Side Girls look so hot at those fights. Am I right?”
“Why yes you are.” She giggles and leans back. “How’d you know?”
“Aside from the fact that you’re smokin’ hot?” His compliment makes her grin again.
Wow. This kid really is me.
“You don’t strike me as the nerd girl who’s got his boxers in a twist.” Dean tosses his head in my direction.
“Fuck you, Kid,” I grumble and prop my arms up on the table.
“I like you, Dean.” Luke laughs lightly before I toss him a ‘go to hell’ look.
“Is it the nerd girl that is causing you to deny eating my pancakes?” Erin asks and points to my plate that’s only missing three bites.
“I’m not hungry.”
“Since when are you not hungry?” she counters.
“Since when do you put too much sugar in your pancakes?”
Erin quickly scoffs, “I. Did. No. Such. Thing!”
“Pancakes are perfect,” Dean chimes in smacking slightly, I assume to prove his point that the pancakes are indeed great.
“So it is about her.” Luke declares.
“Can we not talk about Maxx?” My mood shifts as does my body in my seat.
“Where is Maxx?” Dean questions, starting in on my plate of food. “I’d like to meet her.”
The first morning that I’m up before her. Come to think of it, she didn’t even rush out to see why Erin was screaming. Maybe she bailed early this morning to avoid seeing me. Again.
Erin’s nails tap her juice glass. “Didn’t come home last night.”
Uncomfortable with that answer I ask, “Where is she?”
“No clue.”
Tony. She ran to Tony after she left me. I just fucking know it. That fucking weasel probably told her what a dick I am and used that as his in with her. What a fucking snake! How the fuck could she go from falling into my bed into his? Did you have something to do with it?! Aren’t you on my side?
Feeling the blood in my veins beginning to simmer I clench my fist. “I’m gonna grab my workout shit. Kid, you wanna go for a round at the gym or you want me to take you home?”
He tries not to sound too eager but misses the mark. “Gym is cool!”
I stand up and head towards the stairs even though Erin is on my tail. On a sharp turn at the bottom of the steps I toss my hand in the air. “What?”
In a low voice she says, “I know what you’re thinking, Kellar.”
“That all my good underwear is dirty?”
So kill me for the fact that I haven’t done laundry in a few days. Been a little busy.
“Fucking gross.” She shakes her head. “I meant about Maxx.”
“I’m not thinking about Maxx. I’m thinking about my underwear and the fact that I fucking hate laundry.”
“No.” I shut her off. “I’m not thinking about Maxx. I don’t give a fuck why she didn’t come home last night. Or whose bed she fucking slept in that wasn’t mine. The subject of Maxx and me is as dead as my old man. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to put on underwear and get to a place that allows me to put my fist through something without consequences.”
I turn and march up the stairs just as I hear Luke say, “Quit staring at my sister’s ass, Kid. You’re way too young.”
The corner of my lip curves up.
It’s alright that you’re smirking too. The fact that my mini me acts likes my mini me is a good reason to smile. Besides,
there aren’t many things for us to laugh about anymore.
“God, Maxx,” his voice whispers in my ear, a small nibble on my ear follows. “You feel so fucking good.”
I moan back, “Yeah?”
He groans again as he pushes slowly deeper inside. “Baby, I want you to know something.”
Feeling the tingle of an orgasm quivering in unison with Logan’s words I whimper, “Yes?”
“I lo-
“Wakey wakey eggs and bakey.” My aunt’s voice disturbs the sleep I didn’t even realize I’d slipped into.
How could I not grasp the simple concept that I was dreaming? When else would Logan ever confess out loud that he loves me? Huh. Come to think about it, he didn’t even technically admit it in the dream.
Struggling to open my eyes I mutter, “Do you actually have eggs and bacon?”
“Yup.” The confirmation causes my eyes to shoot open as my stomach grumbles. “I went out and grabbed your favorite breakfast tacos from that little place on the corner. And before you tell me you’re not hungry, your stomach just gave you away.”
Why does my body always betray me? During Sex. Involving food. I swear, sometimes it’s like I’m on the outside looking in. That sounds weird doesn’t it?
“You ate nothing last night.”
“Not true.” I pull my body up from the cat like, curled position it was in.
“Michael brought you a cupcake didn’t he?”
“Try six.” I inform her with a soft giggle.
“Por supuesto que no está bien!” she fusses at me. “Cupcakes are not dinner, mi hija.” Another grin comes on my face as she says, “How many times have I told you frosting is not a vegetable?” She pats my lap. “Come on. Let’s eat.”
My body goes to move when the events of yesterday come spiraling back to me on attack. Freezing in place I ask, “Is she still here?”
“Yes.” Aunt Caroline fiddles with her hot pink, floral off the shoulder top. “But unlike yesterday, I won’t make you talk to her. I just need you to eat, mi amor.” With a soft smile she bargains. “Deal?”
Knowing it’s a simple request I nod. “Deal.”
As Aunt Caroline stands up and heads towards the door, I decide it would be best to pull myself together before facing the blonde beast.
“Can I just have a minute?” I meekly ask.
“Sure, sweetheart.” She shuts the door behind her giving me privacy.
For a brief moment I let my eyelids fall.
Did yesterday really happen? Did my mother, of all people, walk back into my life and demand to be a part of it? Who does that? Who abandons a child for 15 years and then all of sudden wants back in? That’s not family! That’s not how you treat someone you love! I have a family. Aunt Caroline. Uncle Mike. Luke. Erin. Logan. Geez, Logan. How he treated me was a little fucked up. I mean, I’m allowed to be mad about that right? But he’s family. He’s just as important in my life as Luke and Erin, and I have to talk to him. I have to face him even if it’s just for him to try and push me away. As much as I hate to admit this, I still want him. I miss him. Hell, I actually need him right now. Funny what happens when a little too much pressure is applied to your life at the wrong time.
I drag myself out of my room and head straight for the kitchen table where I flop down once more across from Hit Me Baby One More Time all aged out.
Shit. Now I’m singing it. You too?
“Well there’s my daughter,” she sighs behind a coffee mug.
Looking around the kitchen as Aunt Caroline puts a plate down in front of me, I sarcastically ask, “Where?” Uncle Mike hides a snicker behind a closed fist.
“Did you sleep well?” she offers, clinking her painted nails against the cup.
“As well as one can when el diablo is in the house.” This time Aunt Caroline stifles her laughter.
“You left in such a rush last night—”
“Apparently that’s what I do when bad news hits. I run.”
“That’s what you consider having a brother—”
“He’s not my brother,” I correct her quickly.
“Excuse me?”
Putting down the taco I have yet to have a bite of I clarify, “He is not my brother. I have a brother. His name is Luke. He likes guys who have blond hair because he used to have a crush on Lance Bass growing up. He knits when he’s stressed. And he secretly has a fly fishing obsession because it reminds him of his own father.”
Annoyed she tries to interrupt. “Maxx—”
“And a sister. I have a sister. She looks like a pinup model, has a crazy talent with makeup, and thinks no one knows that she swears by her Paula Dean cookbook like it’s the bible. And to top it all off, I have a guy that falls asleep beside me who suffers from nightmares, and I’m the one he reaches out for at night. It’s my name he calls out to hold him. Because I care about him. Because he cares about me. Because we are family.”
Uncle Mike clears his throat catching my attention. He nods his approval at me and finally I take a bite of my breakfast taco.
Thank God too. I have barely eaten in like three days and these tacos are nothing to miss! I haven’t had them in months because they’re so far from where I live now. Plus, I’m starving. Between you and me? It’s nice to have my appetite back.
“That’s not blood.” Her correction is spit with venom like the snake she is.
“If I have learned anything in my entire life it is that sharing DNA does NOT make you family. Families are there for each other. Families take care of one another. A family member is the one that holds your hand when someone who called herself your mother gets on a fucking plane to start a new life without you! Family is the one that holds you at night when your cry yourself to sleep asking why your own mother didn’t want you. Didn’t love you. We are not family.” She opens her mouth to say something when I prevent her by asking, “And why the sudden change? It’s been 15 years since you left me. How old is your son?”
“He’s 10?” The shock slams me back against my seat. “So you wasted practically no time after dad died huh? You waited 10 years before telling me about him. Why now? Why fly around the world to drop this bombshell in my life?”
“He has a right to know, Maxx.”
“So this is about him?” I push my plate away, hunger pains replaced by something else.
Not sure if it’s jealousy or anger. Maybe resentment? I’m entitled to feel all those things right now, aren’t I?
“Nothing really to do with me.”
“No.” I hold out my hand to shut her up. “It’s okay. I gave up on thinking you gave a shit about me a long time ago. The answer to your question, Mrs. Britt Beamount, is no. I will not meet your husband, and I will not help you destroy the childhood of another poor unsuspecting minor. I don’t know what demons are eating you up inside, but I can tell by the way your Botox induced face is trying to wrinkle, they are something nasty. Whatever your inner struggle is about, leave me the hell out of it. And as for Wilfred…”
Who names their kid that? That’s just mean!
“When he gets old enough to catch onto the fact that his parents aren’t picture perfect, and that you had another life before his father, you have my permission to give him my contact information.” Standing up, I eyeball my half-eaten breakfast taco craving more. “I have to go. I’ve got thirty minutes before I’m late for work.”
“Maxx.” Aunt Caroline offers up her voice for the first time since I came into the kitchen. “There’s a brown paper bag on the counter. Has tacos in it for you to take to work.”
“And a cupcake.” Uncle Mike winks before Aunt Caroline shakes her head.
“No es un alimento para el desayuno!” she cries out, tossing a hand in the air.
“Eh.” He shrugs. “I think cupcakes can be a breakfast food. In my world they are an anytime of the day food.”
nbsp; “Thank you,” I say to the two of them chuckling away at their playful spat. “I will see you in a couple of weeks for dinner.”
“Bring the boy,” Uncle Mike says lifting his mug once more. “I’m assuming he’s the same boy who always snuck in through the window late at night rather than using the front door?”
My face heats as I remember the sex conversation I had with him and Aunt Caroline.
Do you have any idea how awkward it is to hear your Aunt and Uncle tell you sex is a perfectly acceptable, natural act between two consulting people before being offered a pack of condoms because you need to be safe? I was so mortified I never got around to explaining to them that they had nothing to worry about because we weren’t into each other like that.
“That would be the one…”
“As I thought. Tell him he needs to come in through the front door like a gentleman and not through the window like a street rat.”
“He’s not Aladdin, Uncle Mike.”
Man, I wish I had a genie right now. I’d use one wish to send away the worthless woman who did the impossible by making a perfectly fucked up day even more so, and the other to undo the animosity between Logan and me, so that maybe we’d have a real shot at working out. I’d save the last wish for an ‘in case of an emergency’ situation.
“You let her have a boy spend the night?” The shock in the serpent’s voice is my cue to leave.
Grabbing the brown paper bag, my purse, and my keys that are waiting for me, I make an exit just as Aunt Caroline snips, “Oh shut it, Britt. It’s not like she dumped her niña and ran off to Paris with her boyfriend who she could’ve babysat for in high school.”